Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cauliflower Cream with Smoked Salmon Caviar

Ingredients :

400 gr of cooked cauliflower
30 cl of dairy cream
15 gr of powdered gelatin
60 gr of smoked salmon eggs salt, freshly ground pepper dill
(for 6 guests)

Direction :
Set aside 6 tiny cauliflower tops.
Mix the gelatin with the cream and put it on slow heat while mixing. Put the cream in a blender, add the cauliflower and som salt and pepper and blend for 1 min.
Important: Pour the warm mixture halfway into nice looking glasses or smal bowls and leave these in the regfrigerator for 2 hours. Next, decorate placing some smoked salmon eggs in the middle of each cauliflower cream and some tiny cauliflower tops on the edges of each glass. Sprinkle with some dill.


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